Sunday 7 September 2008

Vinyl Baby!!!

This week, all vinyl...and maybe for a few weeks to go!

1. Gordon Mumma, Electro Acoustical Music Analog and Digital Live Performance Music Acoustical and Cybersonic, Stomach Ache,
2. Kazumoto Endo, Fear My Kung-Fu, Philosopy Shop Records, split
3. Goat, The summer i started collecting knives, Philosopy Shop Records, split,
6. Colin Andrew Sheffield, Spring, elevator bath EEAOA-04
7. Colin Andrew Sheffield, The Bridge, elevator bath EEAOA-04
8. Rick Reed, Music for the Rothko Chapel, Beta-Lactem Records,
9. Andrew Deutsch and Tony Conrad, and 30 other people, Let's Trade Pants, elevator bath, EEAOA.021
10. Marc Shultz, Reworking, elevator bath, EEAOA021

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