Sunday, 1 February 2009

Tape Music, No really, Tape Cassettes and such

Hi Everyone,

Dug out the ol' cassettes for this show, lots of unique ones this time, so hope you enjoy!

Preliminary stuff:

1. Prostir, mn011, .at/on, [mn011], excerpt

2. Signal to Noise, Vol 1, Jason Kahn, Norbert Moslang, Gunter Muller, Keichiro Shibuya Maria, excerpt

3. Prostir, mn011, .at/on, [mn011], x, excerpt

4. Etudes Aux Sons Tendus Tautologos and Other Early Electronic Works, Luc Ferrari, excerpt

5. Data Rape 2, EAR, excerpt


6. Found Computer Cassette

7. Bicycle Radio Tape, Artist:Twitch, excerpt from Bicycle Radio Show, July 2003, Cassette

8. Bicycle Radio Tape, Building Bridges to Monkey Island, Artist:Twitch, excerpt from Bicycle Radio Show, July 2003, Cassette

9.. Paul Etheridge, American Trilogy, Paul + Farfisa Organ + Roland XP10, Cassette

10. Paul Etheridge, 25 years of Wall Drawings, excerpt, Cassette

11. Bootleg Cassette with some warping of Christian Wolff selections.

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